If a female wants to get pregnant, you have to look at male fertility and female fertility. The two members of the couple are important. However, if a pregnancy takes too long, there is a possibility of male infertility. It’s essential to address the causes in order to get pregnant quickly and have a baby.
See also : fertility on the couple, what are the consequences ?
Male infertility : what are the causes of this situation ?
The most common test for infertility is the spermogram. It makes it possible to analyze the quality of the sperm of the spouse. This is a subject that is no longer taboo. Male infertility affects many couples. Today, 15% of couples, or 1 in 7 couples, consult a professional for fertility problems.
According to analyzes and comments by Rémy Slama, epidemiologist at the National Institute of Health and Medical Research, this infertility can be explained by certain general factors such as overweight and obesity. Professor Samir Hamamah, head of the Department of Reproductive Biology at the Hospital Arnaud de Villeneuve in Montpellier goes further in explaining this phenomenon. He says that in 30% of infertility, there is a female cause (ovulation abnormalities, fallopian tube anomalies …), in 30% of cases a male cause and in the remaining 40%, there is mixed infertility or both partners are affected.
According to doctors and professionals, this infertility comes from 3 factors :
– Problems in the formation and production of sperm by the testicle
– Presence of lesions in the genital tract or lack of maturity of the spermatozoa
The inability of sperm to access the female genital tract also creates male infertility
Testicular insufficiency
Problems related to spermatogenesis, which is a concern in sperm formation, are the number one cause of male infertility.
This can be explained by different aspects :
– Lack of sperm production leading to azoospermia
– Azoospermia : a lack of sperm production
– Dysfunctions in the quantity and quality of sperm : male infertility can be explained by disturbances concerning the mobility, the morphology or even the liveliness of the spermatozoa.
– The presence of lesions : from birth or following orchitis, trauma or testicular torsion. This type of malformation is seen in about 15% of male. In addition, 30 to 35% of those who consult for male infertility suffer from this testicular insufficiency.
Post testicular pathologies
Male infertility can also be explained by the presence of an obstacle in the male genital tract. This prevents sperm from mixing with the seminal fluid during ejaculation. This is called obstructive azoospermia.
The obstruction may be due to :
– An infection
– A trauma
– Surgery like vasectomy
In the event of infertility or within the framework of a fertility assessment in the male, the professionals will examine these various possibilities.
Sexual dysfunctions
Sexual dysfunctions can be seen in the male genitals. They are called so because sperm has difficulty accessing the female genital tract.
The sources of this problem can be varied. Either it can be spinal cord injuries that are responsible for anjaculation or retrograde ejaculation.
Possible solutions to fix these situations
There are many solutions to male infertility. However, you must have personalized follow-up. Depending on the problems encountered in getting pregnant and the type of infertility, professionals will be able to identify the best approaches to get pregnant quickly and have a child.
Curative surgical treatment or hormone therapy may be considered.
Intrauterine insemination, in vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection are also solutions that may be considered.
Male infertility has different sources. For couples who wish to create their family, male suffering from infertility must have personalized support to find an appropriate treatment.